Van Doorne's Aanhangwagenfabriek
Eindhoven, Netherlands
    Hub Van Doorne's company is better known for their motor trucks, which began production in 1949. Van Doorne patented this dustless compression refuse collection body in 1947, obviously looking towards a burgeoning municipal vehicle market opening up in post-war Europe.
    Also listed in the early DAF refuse body lineup was this hand-loaded compression-type body based on the pre-war design by Fernand Rey, and was undoubtedly built under license. The DAF version had two hydraulic cylinders operating the packer ram, but otherwise looks very similar to the Rey, Scemia and Laffly versions popular in France.
DAF compression rear loader on Autocar UT truck chassis
Rear view showing tailgate packer box
    With the move towards the production of trucks and passenger cars, the refuse collectors were eventually discontinued, and the company name was changed to Van Doorne's Automobielfabriek to better reflect their products. DAF trucks remain in production today, and have found service in the refuse collection industry.
1962 DAF conventional with tipper body
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