Frink Canada
Cambridge, Ontario
    USA-based Frink was a pioneer in the development of heavy-duty truck-mounted snow plows, and was a leading producer for many decades. Their Canadian division began selling refuse packers in the 1960s, using the American-designed Leach 2-R and Heil Mark III tailgates, mated to a Frink-built body. Production ended in the 1980s. No photos are available as of this writing, but shown below is an advertisement (circa 1970s) for the Frink Canada line featuring Leach and Wayne factory photos:
Image courtesy of Patrick McGee
Frink PRD 3000 Recycler circa 1990
A Frink packer in Mexico?
    Patrick McGee is regional sales manager for Joe Johnson Equipment in Innisfil, Ontario. He commented recently to Classic Refuse Trucks about the truck shown above, an unidentified Colectomatic Mark III copy which appeared in a classified ad in Mexico:
"This body looks like a Frink built packer body and ejector blade, with a Heil Tailgate which were produced under license for the Canadian market from the 1960s onward till the mid-80s. The founder of the company I work for, Joe Johnson, would have worked for Frink at the time. Unfortunately, the only guys that could conclusively confirm that it's a Frink have passed on, but it is strikingly like some I encountered as very elderly packers twenty years ago when I started in garbage truck sales."
While this truck has not yet been positively identified, it may indeed turn out to be a license-built Frink, or perhaps a different brand that was built in Mexico under a similar arrangement. Any further information about Frink packers will be published here if and when it becomes available.
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