Barchon, Belgium
    This company has sold Heil products in Belgium and The Netherlands, such as the Colectomatic Mark IV badged as GDA. An in-house design was the Colecto-Glass, a trough-loader designed for glass recycling using the Mark IV ejection body with a GDA bucket tailgate assembly. A tilt-to-dump version was also offered.
    Equipment was sold in The Netherlands under the COV nameplate. The Colecto-Glass is no longer in production, although GDA still manufactures a small satellite body called the Colecto Cub, and is a distributor for the Heil-Farid line of refuse bodies.
See Also: COV
GDA Colectomatic Mark IV rear loader
GDA Colecto-Glass recycling body
Lift bucket tailgate was designed by GDA, adapted to Mark IV body
Unloading was by ejection, and a tilt-dump version was also available
1982 GDA Urbanna satellite side loader
9/5/15 (updated 9/12/21)
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