1940s or early 1950s Gar Wood Load-Packer
Owned By John Capalongo Refuse Removal
Scranton, Pennsylvania
This Gar Wood Load-Packer is believed to be the oldest working rear load packer in existence in the United States. This style of packer was known in the slang of its day as a "slam-door" Gar Wood, since the early models required manually closing the hopper hatch prior to starting the pack cycle. In 1952, Gar Wood changed the design to incorporate a power-operated door.
Lou Carollo rescued the body from a yard where it had languished since its retirement from Oklahoma State University in 1960. He trucked it back to New York and mated it with a 1948 Dodge chassis.
The pictures displayed here were taken by Lou while the truck resided in New York. It has since been repainted by new owner John Capalongo, who maintains this classic in 100% working condition, and displays it at three local shows every year.

Photos by Lou Carollo
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